Monday, November 17, 2008

Rick Raddatz' GoBrevity is Live

I've just checked out Rick Raddatz' new business book briefing membership site. It's great for those of us who have a ton of business books on our "to be read" list, but never get around to it.

Each week Rick will review a top business book and summarize it, giving its particular value to small businesses and especially Internet businesses. If you're in the IM niche, or are a small business owner, this will by far be the most time-and cost-effective way of your picking up a lesson each week that can be applied directly to your business. Here's the link:

Rick knows what he is talking about. He started in big business, Microsoft, I believe, and ventured out on his own several years ago. Since that time he's forged a lucrative business relationship with Armand Morin and Alex Mandossian to create some of the most useful software products around-- Instantteleseminar being one of the most current successes. Rick is also a frequent speaker at major Internet marketing and small business seminars, and someone who is trying to help small businesses prosper by gaining access to capital through his Xiosoft business program. He also has a business membership club in the ownership of a Colorado ski lodge that can be used for small business seminars, or just for member owners to use to unwind.

Rick is offering his new membership site, called Brevity, at a low charter membership price, and is also offering an affiliate program that will share 95% of the profit in commissions to affiliate members. This is an extraordinary opportunity, and, really, a no-brainer, for any small business person who needs to stay abreast of the latest thinking out there, but doesn't have the time to do it themselves. Rick promises to deliver business briefs that are entertaining and edifying, and he's just the one to deliver on that promise!

Check it out at:

You can sign up for a free sample issue.

Liz Nichols

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz,

    I wanted to join GoBrevity, but also want to join the affilates to promote it also. How can I proceed?


    Jason Ser
